Deepening Self-Awareness

January 1, 2021


Change starts with deepening self-awareness. But, awareness is only useful to us if it is paired with action…

Three years ago, I made a conscious decision to take a different approach to deepening self-awareness. Although I have always had a desire to be aware—of myself, others, and my surroundings—I must admit my awareness was moved to a new level because of something that Josh, my husband, said to me.

Awakening Self Awareness

The path to deepening self awareness is different for everyone, but often starts in the same place: listening.

Three years ago, Josh—with vulnerability, candor, and courage—painted a picture of who I was at home, as a wife, and as a Mom. Some of the pictures he described felt true, good, and accurate. But some of what he described was far away from what I would have hoped. That conversation was the start of an awakening for me.

I am thankful for his truth and partnership. One short conversation (albeit from one of the most important people in my life) moved me to be awake, aware, and want to take action in a different way. I began to be aware and audit myself in a new way.

By auditing myself, I mean that I literally found myself watching the daily movie reel of my life. There is a slight but important distinction between self-awareness and self-auditing. 

Deepening Self Awareness

Deepening self-awareness means being aware of your own character, motives, and desires; it’s subjective. Conducting a self-audit is a systematic and documented process to review oneself; it’s objective. Auditing oneself enables you to be yourself and see yourself all at the same time.

Let me give you an example…

Palms Open

Throughout the day, I remind myself to keep my “palms open.” When I meditate, I sit on the ground and lay my open palms on my crossed knees. When I go to bed at night, I take a deep breath and open my palms. I have written in my journal, “palms open.”

On top of releasing tightness and tension, I love the metaphor of my palms being open! I am in the moment, actively shifting my present state from being tight, tense, and closed… to being calm, opportunistic, and open.

This is how deepening self-awareness and conducting self-auditing can work together in harmony to make effective and sustainable changes to your life.

Stephanie Gonzalez

Biz Woman, Mama, Style Junkie, Mindset Manager, and CEO at North&Co.

The Larger Pot: A Growth Mindset
The Missing Link: Navigating Disappointment
Changing Perspective

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