Self Reflection Steps

September 26, 2022


Have you ever taken the time to look at yourself in a 10X magnification mirror? If you have, you can likely – and quickly – attach yourself to a moment or an image. If not, you should try it! It’s a treasure trove. That may sound funny, silly, or dramatic but it’s the perspective I choose to take when taking self reflection steps.

Looking at your face in a 10X mirror enables you to see microscopic details in your mouth, your teeth, your gums, your tongue, your skin, your pores (I could go on) that are magnificently raw and real. Allow yourself to experience the emotions behind such an exercise.

Looking Within

I recently took a 10X magnification mirror to my December (yes, my whole month)! In reflecting on my last month I can think of a half-dozen personal or professional examples of where I could have done something better.

Of course there are the common small notables such as: I could have chosen a different word when communicating to my colleague (and it would have been received better) or I could have chosen to not been on my phone when taking a nighttime stroll with my son (and I would have been more present and available). But, the half-dozen examples were not the small notable kind.

They were sizable and material enough to company’s operation and/or my relationships that my actions could have landed me in a situation where I might have lost an important agent, support team member or friend.

“Make it right, then make it better.”

self reflection steps

Take Self Reflection Steps

  1. I have to remind myself that I am human. And, as such, I am perfectly imperfect.
  2. I have to identify the moment where the break-down happened (so I can stay-in-the-solution).
  3. I remind myself of my personal mantra to “make it right, then make it better.” Force myself to swiftly shift my energy to find a solution. Ask my courage to show itself so I can confront the situation, and the person, and address what I said (or didn’t say) – or what I did (or didn’t do). I remind myself to be vulnerable enough to let them feel my intention and experience my heart so understanding can grow from an honest seed.
  4. GO! Take action.

Determined to Grow

Reflecting and looking at a 10X mirror is transformative for your health, life, and business. By the way, with each one of the half-dozen examples from December I was able to make it right, make it better, and find mutual resolve.

It can be scary and bring on anxiety. But, if you knew that it was one key way to growing older, wiser, and better – the fear can quickly dissipate and reform itself into determination.

Stephanie Gonzalez

Biz Woman, Mama, Style Junkie, Mindset Manager, and CEO at North&Co.

The Larger Pot: A Growth Mindset
The Missing Link: Navigating Disappointment
Changing Perspective

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