Changing Perspective

February 13, 2024


I’m sure we all remember our perspective changing and our outlook becoming totally different, 4 years ago. We started the year as if we could feel the rumblings of grace, abundance and opportunity ahead.

Only to be devastated just months later. Not exactly what any of us envisioned when our ‘knowing’ made us feel flush with optimism. I am fully aware that our lives took a proverbial left-turn 4 years ago. None of us envisioned that our life would look, act, and feel the way that it does today.

I think we all could rattle off a litany of challenges that bring out our individual ‘drunk monkey’.

Everyone has a monkey on their back. But the ‘drunk monkey’ is the monkey that says some really crazy and scary stuff.

However, we all need to remember that uncertainty has always been among us.

Anticipating Uncertainty

Uncertainty is what we’ve always woken up to. From a flat tire, sick kid, congested traffic or wi-fi buffering to pay-it-forward coffee, new referral client, or unexpected love note. We have always lived with a healthy dose of uncertainty.

It’s just came with a bit more density in the past few years, forcing our protective strategies to be in overdrive. There are a few things that are helping me stay focused and in positive momentum each day. Keeping perspective with what I do have (not don’t have)

1. Keeping perspective with what I do have (not don’t have)

Our family is healthy and happy, and our boys are navigating this new world with my husband and me as their teachers, and we are all oozing with grace (inevitably, some days more than others).

2. Anchoring to the fact that I am part of a community

I have a community with work that truly cares about each individual person and has a rich desire to be part of solutions. I give thanks to our routine 9:00am Zoom calls. They have kept all of us conscious and connected at a higher level.

3. Control my controllables

One of my greatest challenges was adjusting my daily morning, kids, school, work, and matcha green tea latte routine. Over time, I came to realize that now, more than ever, I am in control of my morning routine. The changing perspective pushed me to establish a new routine.

I kick off my day with water, vitamins, and herbs, a long walk with a motivational podcast playing on my Beats headphones, a quick stretch, and a guided visualization. I can’t explain how much all of this helps keep the right frame of mind throughout my day.

Continue Changing Your Perspective Moving Forward

All of this cradles my ability to manage the various pieces of my day and show up as my best self.

It may seem super idealistic right now (but what’s the alternative?). With each passing day, I make the definitive choice to look at what I have and know to be true today… and attach myself to the fact that grace, abundance and opportunities still lie ahead!

Stephanie Gonzalez

Biz Woman, Mama, Style Junkie, Mindset Manager, and CEO at North&Co.

The Larger Pot: A Growth Mindset
The Missing Link: Navigating Disappointment
Drunk Monkey

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